Trevor's Posts

Weight Your Decision Using This Dating Site’s Formula

When rating the importance of a decision factor, using an unbalanced scale can help you more accurately identify the true importance of that factor relative to other factors in your decision.   Read Now >

How to Create an Effective Weighted Pro-Con List

Learn how to create a weighted pro-con list and tips for making these lists more effective.   Read Now >

10 Tips for Better Pro-Con Lists

Make better decisions when using pro-con lists with this list of 10 tips.   Read Now >

5 Ways To Limit Your Options (And Why You Want To)

Use these 5 techniques to reduce your options. Avoid decision fatigue & spend quality time evaluating the options that matter most.   Read Now >

The 4 Phases of a Decision

Every decision goes through 4 phases. Learn what those phases are and why they matter.   Read Now >

3 Types of Choice Decisions

Choice decisions involve decisions with multiple options, where the decision causes few or no contraints on future decisions.   Read Now >

5 Decision Pattern Families

Decision patterns can be grouped into families. Learn the 5 basic families to help you identify the type of decision you are making.   Read Now >

Why You Should Avoid Absolute Costs

Why you should look at the difference between the costs of your options instead of their total cost.   Read Now >

Why You Should Learn Poker (Even If You Hate to Gamble)

Do you play poker? Learn why playing poker helps improve your decision-making skills.   Read Now >

Path, Journey or Destination–How to Choose What to Focus On

When making a decision, should you focus on your options, your experience, or the final outcome? It depends.   Read Now >

Want to improve your decisions around time management? Day Optimizer could help.Learn More >